Transforming our Cities, our Nation, and the World with the Love of Jesus

Apostles Elvin & Miriam Gonzalez
Apostles Elvin and Miriam Gonzalez have been serving in ministry for over 30 years at New Jerusalem Brandon Campus. Fuled with a deep love for the Lord, reaching the lost and discipiling future generations in Chirst, they established New Jersalem International Ministries (NJI). This ministry fuctions in two parts: (1) establishing churches locally, nationally and internationally and (2) in the education of believers in the Word of God. NJI Ministries is currently the covering for seven churches that are located in Florida, Massachusetts, Nicaragua and Columbia. The Apostles are both professors for Life Christian University and founders of the International Bible Institute.
In only one God, eternally existent as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
That the Bible is the inspired Word of God and it is the final authority for all conduct, faith and doctrine.
In the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His immaculate conception, His miracles, His death, His resurrection, His ascension and His second coming with glory and power.
That man was created in Gods image, but because of his own transgressions is under condemnation.
That the only salvation of this condemnation is by faith in the justification of Jesus Christ.
In the person of the Holy Spirit whose sole ministry is to reveal Christ to men.
In the resurrection, for eternal life or eternal condemnation.
That God loves men and does not desire for their condemnation.